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ARTWORK > MIXED MEDIA AND DIGITAL > Slaves of Fashion Series
This latest body of work explores hidden narratives of Empire, Colonilaism, conflict and slavery through the lens of India's historical textile trade and their relevance to modern day legacies and debates around ethical consumerism, racism and the politics of trade. It's launch exhibition at National Museums Liverpool's Walker Art Gallery in 2018, attracted over 105,000 visitors. The Singh Twins continue to create additional works for the series and plan to tour it to further venues within UK and abroad. Many of the artworks in this series combine traditional hand painting, scanned historical archival material and digitally created elements. The final images were exhibited as large scale backlit fabric lightbox artworks. Click on the icon right to view a BBC News interview with The Singh Twins at their Slaves of Fashion exhibition in the Walker Art Gallery.
Jallianwala:Repression and Retribution
Rule Britannia: Legacies of Exchange